Personal Loans Made Easy

Get funds quickly and conveniently. Benefit from minimal documentation and speedy loan approval. After all, whether it is a wedding you wish to finance, or pay an emergency medical bill, what is the value of a personal loan if you can’t have it when you need it. Turn your dreams into reality with a personal loan. Take that vacation you have been delaying, or complete the home renovation that has been pending for over a year. With Personal Loan, you can achieve all your goals. You will have to fulfill certain requirements to be eligible for a personal loan, the documents and eligibility criteria are mentioned. So go ahead, get the personal loan and watch your dreams come true!


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Fix and Flip Loan

If you’re ready to buy an investment property that you plan to renovate for a profit, consider a fix and flip loan.

Fix and flip loans provide short-term financing to help cover both the purchase of a property as well as the cost to renovate and repair it. They allow real estate investors to quickly jump into projects with flexible financing options so that they can complete a project and make a profit.

Your Trusted Nationwide Hard Money Lender.

We’ll work with you to find the right loan to reach your financing goals, whether you’re buying or refinancing an investment property.

What We Do


Intended to support your company’s operational needs, expansion, or other specific purposes


Individual borrows from a financial institution such as a housing finance company to buy a new or a resale home, construct a home or renovate or extend an existing one.


The amount obtained can be used to cover several costs such as hospital bills, surgery costs, prescription bills, chemotherapy costs and any other medical related expenses.


Debt Service Coverage Ratio (DSCR)

If you’re interested in becoming a landlord and need financing for your rental property, consider a Debt Service Coverage Ratio (DSCR) loan, also known as a 30-year fixed rate loan..

Credit Card Consolidation

combining multiple debt balances into one new loan — is likely to raise your credit scores over the long term if you use it to pay off debt

Emergency Loans

Millions of Funded Clients | 100% No Upfront or Hidden Fees | Same-Day Bank Direct Deposit.


Trade and working capital is the backbone of SME�s and Corporate, Our expert advice reduces the cost of capital through competitive rates and less turn around time which are key elements of all financial transactions.

Fix and Flip Loans

Fix and flip loans provide short-term financing to help cover both the purchase of a property as well as the cost to renovate and repair it..

Home Financing

If you can dream it, you can own it! Everything you need to know to avail of a home loan is right here.


Our Business loans at TGCB Holdings LLC are designed to do just that. We take care of a wide range of capital requirements, financial needs and other industrial expenses that are crucial to keep your business running.

Construction Loans

Construction loans provide short-term financing meant to fund building projects. Accessible financing is based on the value of the finished property and the overall project costs, rather than your personal assets.

Start Your Loan Application

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